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Toshiba Walky KT-AS10

The Toshiba Walky KT-AS10 was released in 1984. This personal cassette player was Toshiba's answer to Sony's WM-10/20 series. Super small with a unique way of showing off the cassette. Having the same width as a cassette but shorter it exposed the cassette and was quite a strange design but cool nonetheless. Featuring auto reverse, tape type selector and Dolby B noise reduction.

Pressing the Open button on the cassette door allows the user to swing it open and shows a few more unique features on this player. The left tape spindle also acts as a lock for the cassette door. The right tape spindle features a button so when the F FWD (large triangle) is pressed the tape will fast forward. Another addition too was a tuner pack. Once inserted, pressing play will activate the radio and the user can switch between AM and FM.

The Walky KT-AS10 takes two AAA batteries and also has the option of a 3V power supply option. A great little player and getting harder to find in good working condition. An average sounding player but is a must have in any collection due to its unique and strange design. Remember, these were made in the 1980's so the effort that Toshiba made to miniaturise the components was quite exceptional. Toshiba also released the Walky KT-AS15 and came in a variety of colors.

Walky KT-AS10
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